Tuesday, 27 March 2012

<< PaReNtAL iNvoLvEmeNt >>

Follow this link to see more interesting ways and methods in which you can engage with your children while reading to them.

"""Fun WiTh ThE MuPpEts"""


After reading the children had a chance to get their faces painted and take pictures with the muppets from Takalani Sesame..

ReadAhOlicS also had their time with the muppets as seen in the pictures below...

The muppets were very loving, caring and fun to be around.

...PicTureS wiTh tHe KiDs...

Kaamilah involving children in her reading....

This is Nicole and Kaamilah engaging with the children.

Ronalda having fun reading with the children.

Strike a pose!!!
                                Thirusha enjoying herself with the children.

***Bo0k EXpo***

This is the book expo corner, were we as students made books in our second year, and we had the priviledge to show off our books at the Maponya Mall Reading Programme. We used the books to decorate the reading area to enhance the importance of reading for children.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Group Members

                                             Our group at the Maponya Mall Reading Programme

From left to right; Ronalda van Greune, Thirusha Naidoo, Kaamilah Palmer, Nicole Lewis

Friday, 16 March 2012

Snappy Sounds Circus!!!!

Snappy Sounds Circus!!!!

We as a group decided on this book for our mini play that we must do in class because it is a fun and exciting book to read to kids. The book is fun and exciting because it has pop-up pictures inside as well as fun showtime sounds!!

This book also helps to build on children's vocabulary because in the book on each page they give you words with a picture. Flashcards can be made with the different words on. The teacher can go through the words with the children before he/she reads the book to help them to understand the difficult or unusual words in the story.

This book also consist of rhyme that will help to develop a child's phonological awareness.

Through this book children can also associate reading with warm, pleasant feelings while learning about words and language.

We definitely recomend this book to read to toddlers as well as  kindergarten.


The children enjoyed this book alot. I asked them to count with me when Barry counted to find his friends!

The pictures are COULOURFUL and there are interesting characters in the book.

The simple text make this a must for pre-schoolers


I read a book which was full of FairyTales... The children liked it because I read with passion, fun and smiles.... The Pictures was also big and childlike... In the book i read 2 stories- 3 little pigs and Snow White... As aids I had smaller books available for the children to look through and read.. After the reading the children told me stories out of the smaller book from there heads ofcourse and by looking through the pictures... I really enjoyed using my voice and actions differently for each character in my stories.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Hey!!! Welcome to readaholics... Follow us to find out more...