Monday, 30 July 2012
Monday, 21 May 2012
Dear Students
I enjoyed viewing this site. Thank you for the effort. This being a language and literacy module you had to use the english language correctly. That is your spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, etc had to be perfect. In some instances you used capital letters between words.
The marks you obtained for this blog is 39/45 = 87%.
Keep the book club spirit alive, continue to read and above all continue to tell your stories.
Ms Petker
I enjoyed viewing this site. Thank you for the effort. This being a language and literacy module you had to use the english language correctly. That is your spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, etc had to be perfect. In some instances you used capital letters between words.
The marks you obtained for this blog is 39/45 = 87%.
Keep the book club spirit alive, continue to read and above all continue to tell your stories.
Ms Petker
Thursday, 26 April 2012
*&* GroUp ReVieW *&*
The group came together well to work on the book of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone... The book was a fun book to read, we enjoyed the fact that we could link everything with our teaching and learning experiences... In this book Harry tought us about patience and perserverance, that even him which was a orphan and grew up with horrible people, in the end he succeeded and made a life for himself. His new life was also not a dull life, he was filled with Passion, Love, Hope and Friendship... Things he gave up on because of his circumstances...
Harry Potter-Main themes
Love plays a crucial role in "Harry Potter and the Philosophers's Stone". Rowling demonstrates the power of love from the very beginning of the narrative by explaining that Harry's ability to survive Voldemort's killing curse is a direct result of his mother's love. By sacrificing her own life to save that of her son, Lily Potter gave Harry an magical form of protection that shielded him from Voldemort's curse and nearly destroyed the dark wizard.

Harry was never shown any affection when he was younger and still he finds it in him to love and be loved by others.
Harry and voldemort has many similarities... They both are able to speak to snakes and they both have intwining wands. Harry also chose not to be in Slytherin which was also the group Voldemort was in.
Harry has choices with the different friends he has. He also has a choice to be level headed or conceited.
<<<<<The Importance of Rebellion>>>>>

It is significant to note that Harry never breaks the rules simply for the sake of breaking them: he breaks rules only when he truly believes that his actions are necessary. His selfless and compassionate nature (contrasting sharply with that of Lord Voldemort) is also highlighted in his reasons for breaking the rules. For example, one of the first rules that Harry breaks is during the flying lesson with Madam Hooch when Harry flies after Malfoy in order to retrieve Neville's Remembrall. Harry does not disobey Madam Hooch's direct orders in order to show off; he breaks the rules in order to retrieve the gift that Neville received from his grandmother. Here we can already see that Malfoy keeps in charge and shows he can do things others cant because his DADS on the school board yet time and time again he too gets punished as an equal.
One of the primary traits that differentiates Harry from the more Evil and Bad characters in the book, such as Voldemort and Draco Malfoy, is his humility. Despite his reputation as the boy-who-lived and his skills in Quidditch, Harry maintains a modest persona throughout the novel. If anything, the extra attention that he receives because of his background makes him uncomfortable and insecure; he feels that he can never be extraordinary enough to be worthy of such an esteeemed reputation. Harry's humility is, in part, a direct result of his neglected childhood with the Dursleys. Because he was never treated as someone who was special, Harry grew up with the understanding that respect is not readily given and must be acheived. When Dumbledore left Harry with the Dursleys, he knew that Harry would be mistreated. Yet, he also realized that, by growing up away from the wizarding world that would put him on a pedestal, he ensured that Harry would grow up without being spoiled by pride and arrogance, that he would grow up as an equal and battle to be where he is now...
Harry's humility becomes particularly significant as a theme of the book when he faces Voldemort in the dungeons of Hogwarts. Neither Voldemort nor Professor Quirrell is able to retrieve the Sorcerer's Stone from the Mirror of Erised because they are both thinking of ways that the Stone will benefit themselves. Harry, on the other hand, thinks only of retrieving the Stone in order to save other people from Voldemort's evilness: with his humble nature, it would never occur to him to use the Sorcerer's Stone for his own selfish purposes. He is always humble and thinks of others, if he grew up in the wizarding world, he would probably be just like Malfoy...
<3 Friendship <3
Friendship is important in this series, particularly when it comes to overcoming challenges and difficult tasks. Before coming to Hogwarts, Harry is completely isolated. Not only does he not have a loving family environment, but he does not have any friends to serve as a support system. After becoming a student at Hogwarts, however, Harry quickly creates a large group of friends but, more importantly, a close relationship with Ron and Hermione.
For most of the students at Hogwarts, a strong group of friends helps with homesickness and difficult classes. Yet, in Harry's case, Rowling draws a more obvious parallel between friendship and difficult life challenges: the only way that Harry is able to reach the Mirror of Erised in the dungeons of Hogwarts is with Ron and Hermione's help. Hermione and Ron both tackle specific challenges that Harry would have been unable to face on his own, specifically Professor McGonagall's challenge of the giant wizarding chess and Professor Snape's challenge of the potions. In this case, Harry's friendship with Ron and Hermione saves his life and allows him to keep Voldemort from finding the Sorcerer's Stone.
For most of the students at Hogwarts, a strong group of friends helps with homesickness and difficult classes. Yet, in Harry's case, Rowling draws a more obvious parallel between friendship and difficult life challenges: the only way that Harry is able to reach the Mirror of Erised in the dungeons of Hogwarts is with Ron and Hermione's help. Hermione and Ron both tackle specific challenges that Harry would have been unable to face on his own, specifically Professor McGonagall's challenge of the giant wizarding chess and Professor Snape's challenge of the potions. In this case, Harry's friendship with Ron and Hermione saves his life and allows him to keep Voldemort from finding the Sorcerer's Stone.
Harry's friendship with Ron and Hermione is also significant in the way that it further distinguishes Harry from Voldemort. Although Voldemort is far more powerful than Harry, he prefers to be isolated and independent from those around him. Even Professor Quirrell, who drinks unicorn blood for him, is nothing more than a servant to Voldemort. Because Voldemort lacks the ability to form lasting friendships, he is always alone and has only himself to rely on. Harry, on the other hand, is able to rely on himself while still drawing upon the support system and exceptional magical talents of his close friends.
Friendship helped Harry succeed and for this it shows that through his battles he was never alone!!!
Friendship helped Harry succeed and for this it shows that through his battles he was never alone!!!
Professor Dumbledore tells Harry, "Death is but the next great adventure." Rowling does not describe death as something to be feared or dreaded, but rather a part of the natural cycle of life that should be embraced as part of an individual's humanity. Death can also be viewed as something beautiful, as it is seen as a wonderful sacrifice. For example, by sacrificing her own life for Harry, Lily Potter gave him the wondrous protection of her love and a chance at a life free from Voldemort's tyranny. Her death also provided Harry with purpose in his life and the determination to stop Voldemort from harming other innocent people.
Even thou no-one dies in this book,Rowling still makes a clear distinction between the natural process of death and Voldemort's warped attempts to "defeat" it and attain immortality. After his failed attempt to kill Harry, Voldemort spent the next ten years existing only as "shadow and vapor," neither dead nor alive. Voldemort acheives a twisted form of immortality, but his refusal to accept the natural order of life and death demonstrates his evil nature and further distinguishes him from the pure-hearted Harry. this shows innocence vs evil...
The theme of power serves as another distinguishing trait between Harry and Voldemort. Voldemort's primary goal during his reign of terror over Britain was to acheive absolute power in both the wizarding and Muggle community,his want for power has over powerd his desire to learn and love. Even after he is nearly destroyed by his backfiring killing curse, Voldemort's objective is still to acheive absolute power, first by stealing the Sorcerer's Stone and using the elixir of life to construct another body and second, to reach the same height of tyranny that he had enjoyed before his downfall. Harry, on the other hand, has no interest in acheiving absolute power. His modest and pure nature leads him to desire nothing more than the company of his lost parents, as well as a little less attention from those around him. In fact, it is because Harry does not desire power that he is able to retrieve the Sorcerer's Stone from within the Mirror of Erised: Professor Quirrell and Voldemort both want to use the Stone to gain power.
In the theme of power, the author notably provides Professor Dumbledore as a foil to Voldemort. Professor Dumbledore is a highly-skilled wizard and, Rowling points out, is the only wizard that Voldemort is truly afraid of. Yet, instead of using his vast magical knowledge to seize power and dominate those around him, Dumbledore is incapable of being corrupted by power. The only power that he desires is the power to shape young witches and wizards to use their magic safely and for the benefit of society. Dumbledore and Harry both come from pure innocence....
Harry Potter - Main characters AND purpose
Harry Potter is the famous eleven year old child of Lily and James Potter, who is the only known wizard to have survived any attack from the evil Voldemort.
Harry has lived with his mean aunt and uncle Dursley since his parents were killed. When he turns eleven, he is taken away to Hogwarts: the wizard’s school where he learns to fly and becomes friends with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
Hermione Granger
When we first meet Hermione, Harry and Ron think she is super annoying. She is your typical know-it-all, does-her-homework-perfectly-all-the-time, and always-follows-rules-kind of girl.
Hermione always knows all the answers to the leader’s questions she become a Gryffindor.
Hermione puts lots of people off by working so hard and being so smart. She is very loud and bossy.
Ron Weasley
He is one of Harry Potter’s friends
His family has little money, but still manage to send Ron to Hogwarts and gave Harry Christmas presents
He is one of Harry Potter’s friends
His family has little money, but still manage to send Ron to Hogwarts and gave Harry Christmas presents
Rubeus Hagrid
Hagrid is the groundskeeper at Hogwarts.
He is pretty much the friendliest, trustworthy, and most loving authority figure at Hogwarts.
He previously attended Hogwarts and was expelled during his third year. Hagrid tries to keep secrets, but he is constantly letting things slip.
Hagrid can also be seen as the gatekeeper between Magic and Muggle worlds. He collected Harry from the Muggles and brought him to Hogwarts.
Hagrid is Harry’s friend and also in the movie you can see that he also starts to be friends with Ron and Hermione. (Most of the time he invites them to drink tea at his house when it is their days off.) Hagrid also got a special relationship with animals.
Albus Dumbledore
Albus Dumbledore

He has a kind and humble heart!!
His speeches to the Hogwarts student body show that he is a good humoured guy. He is also pretty level-headed.
Dumbledore especially kind to Harry, looking out for him in a way a cool uncle or grandpa might.
Throughout the novel, Rowling shows how Dumbledore plays a prenatl role in Harry's life. He like a farther-figure in Harry's life because Harry looks up to him whenever he needs someone to talk to. Dumbledore's parental role towards Harry are a protector, guardian and counselor, as well as its significance in Harry's life.
Throughout the novel, Rowling shows how Dumbledore plays a prenatl role in Harry's life. He like a farther-figure in Harry's life because Harry looks up to him whenever he needs someone to talk to. Dumbledore's parental role towards Harry are a protector, guardian and counselor, as well as its significance in Harry's life.
Minerva McGonagall

The first time when we see/ or got introduced to her in the movie, we saw her as a tabby cat, though waiting outside the Dursley’s home for the arrival of baby Harry Potter.
We do not see Mcgonagall transform herself into anything other than human for the remainder of the book. As a professor, she is extremely strict but fair. Though she works hard not to play favourites, she does show her pride in her house and bend the rule a little when she made Harry the Gryffindor seeker instead of punishing him for unlegislated flying.
She is also tough on harry and his friends when they go out at night. They had to sit for detention.
is tougher on the Gryffindor students, because she wants them to achiev even higher grades.
Severus Snape
Professor Snape teaches Potions at Hogwarts.
He does not like Harry, and Harry does not like him.
Snape is mean in the movie towards Hagrid and the other Gryffindors and love the Slytherin students overall others. He is the Head of the Slytherin house. He is very strict in a crueller way then Professor Mcgonagall is and he is also not very fair.
We learn from Dumbledore that Proffesor snape has a reason for disliking Harry. Harry's father saved Snape's life once, and Snape never forgave him for doing so. So,now Snape is taking it out on Harry by making potions class a lot harder than it needs to be.
It was a surprise to see that Snape helps to save Harry’s life and not end it. He performs charms to save Harry and not harm him at the Quidditch game
Professor Quirrel
Professor Quirrel is new to Hogwarts
He is the new Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher.
He always wears a turban, he smells funny and he stutters. He seems too weak to be a threat to anyone, and many of the students consider his presence as Dark Arts instructor a kind of joke.
Underneath that turban, is a deep dark secret: voldemort himself. The dark lord is actually living in Quirrel like a paraside.
Underneath that turban, is a deep dark secret: voldemort himself. The dark lord is actually living in Quirrel like a paraside.
Harry Potter and the Philosopers StoNe

Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
<< PaReNtAL iNvoLvEmeNt >>
Follow this link to see more interesting ways and methods in which you can engage with your children while reading to them.
"""Fun WiTh ThE MuPpEts"""
After reading the children had a chance to get their faces painted and take pictures with the muppets from Takalani Sesame..
ReadAhOlicS also had their time with the muppets as seen in the pictures below...
The muppets were very loving, caring and fun to be around.
...PicTureS wiTh tHe KiDs...
***Bo0k EXpo***
This is the book expo corner, were we as students made books in our second year, and we had the priviledge to show off our books at the Maponya Mall Reading Programme. We used the books to decorate the reading area to enhance the importance of reading for children.
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